Bookmarks, Cross-Referencing, and Ranges
As a follow-up to my post and Quora answer (here) the other day, we can address this using the functions mentioned in the subject, there.
In Word, you can cross-reference most anything: headings, footnotes, endnotes, etc.
For everything else/in-between, we can x-ref it using bookmarks.
However, when we use bookmarks in Word, we’re essentially defining what Word interprets as a ‘range’: from this point to this point.
When we use its built-in headings (H1-H9), as I show in the video, the range is clearly defined (and easy to use). However, when we don’t use the built-in styles, it makes things VERY difficult – for both Word AND you.
By throwing page numbers into the mix, as per the original question, it then gets a little more complex.
I get this is a little more advanced than you’re likely used to but, from a business perspective and root cause analysis, it’s understanding what’s going on.
It’s also why if your organization uses Word extensively, effective design and education/training is essential.
It’s too important not to.
(More below the video.)
Ranges – Manual Intervention
Do you have an ereader device that can read Kindle, iBooks, epub, etc.?
Have you ever been reading a book and then a blank page appears at the end of a chapter/before the next chapter?
That’s usually because of the author/publisher inserting a page break before each main heading (or in Word, a heading 1).
Where possible, Word is designed to use text flow and, by inserting a manual break, you’re interrupting that flow.
Then, when the ereader ‘sees’ that you have a main heading, it will insert its own page break before that heading. Add the manual page break to that and you get 2 breaks in a row – hence the blank page.
When a Word document’s setup correctly, the text will flow: set the page break as part of the Heading style itself.
To modify the style:
- Right-click on the style in the Style ribbon and select Modify

2. In the Modify Style dialog, click on: Format > Paragraph > Line and Page Breaks > Page break before.

3. Okay and Okay to apply the changes.
Now there’ll be an automatic page break before each H1.
Note 1: check that Heading 2 doesn’t update with the Page break before. It may do, depending on how your document/styles are setup. If it does, modify the Heading 2 style in the same manner, but this time deselecting the ‘Page break before’ option.
Note 2: This doesn’t affect the section break in any way. Though it didn’t recognise the difference in earlier versions of Word, it’s much cleverer now.