This introduction to Microsoft Word course is aimed at absolute beginners with Word, i.e., you have zero or very little experience, are unsure on opening and saving documents, and how to add and format text on a basic level.

It's only 1.5-hours long, and I hope you find it useful.

01 - Introduction​

Watch this short video to see what the short course contains and to ensure it's a good fit for you.

Note: I no longer sell 1-Click Book Creation, but if you want a free copy, use the Contact/Assistance button and message me.

02 - Getting started​

A quick look around Microsoft Word, the suite of templates that you can download and use (if you can find a template close to what you need, then that's always a good place to start).

03 - Entering text

This is the bread-and-butter of using Word. It is, after all, at its core, a word-processor.
Here's how to zoom in and out, how to format text, and so on.

(When I started using Word, I had no clue about formatting, how to select text, how to change or reformat it. I remember needing to send a letter so just started typing into the document.

Unbeknown to me, it was a Heading style and my final letter was Arial, font size 18, and bold.

Not the best start, but I did get better!